Enjoy, my pretties! (Never mind the abundance of blue notes…)
Demo Video: Tom Anderson Raven, Mojohand Fuzzes, Quilter Aviator

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Enjoy, my pretties! (Never mind the abundance of blue notes…)
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NOW… I want one…
long pants and shoes? is this really a guitar video?
I’m trying to change the culture, Tom. 🙂
Love the sound of the front-end of the note you’re getting there. Reminds me a little of Eivind Aarset.
So, my question: with your experience of the Quilters, is it worth going up to the Micropro or is the Aviator as much as you need? I’m fed up with lugging valve amps to gigs, not to mention the maintenance costs.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the kind words. The MicroPro is cool because it has the Limiter and all of the voicing stuff. It just has more versatility. However, I think that the natural voice of the Aviator is great and it makes a really good platform for somebody who wants a great sounding amp that is trouble-free and faithful.